Nowadays everyone is able to find a certain sphere of business with its own trends and customers. One of the most successful fields now is B2B marketplace. Even if you already are a successful businessman with a well-known company still you have to consider developing B2B marketplace. You have to evolve and create new technologies, which might take some time and investments. However, many companies went through these struggles and are ready to share their knowledge with the world.

This article keeps some useful advices and tips about building your own B2B marketplace. The easiest way to make your project even more profitable is to build your own marketplace platform. It will give you great opportunities such as new ways of getting more customers, the assortment’s growing and other benefits.

Also read our article: Freelancer vs Development Company. Your Business Choice [2018].

1. Think about a role-model to follow


If you have decided to build your own B2B marketplace, you need to find an example to follow, if you want. Some companies, that learned how to get rid of company oriented tactics and become a customer-oriented in a short period of time. You can take Albertsons as one of the successful examples. This company is one of the largest in the US. Recently they announced that they are going to present a new marketplace for vendors with an ease access to a huge range of products and comfortable conditions of using market opportunities.

2. Be sure to analyze your project before starting the technical development

The most powerful thing in every project is fully-developed business logic. The concept of behavior is an important stage – your company fully depends on it and you should make more effort you can create a good future. Before developing your project, you should analyze your products, develop a wireframe, prototyping and other features. You can’t miss this phase of work, so be sure to do it before starting the proper development.

3. Create a customer-oriented marketplace development


Our third advice is connected with tactics too, because at the beginning most of the companies fail with their hurried actions. Try not to think about your work from your point of view but rather from the point of customer's view. It is not important how you can create an effective and comfortable marketplace; it is important how your customer will react to the certain options of your online store. As a marketplace owner, you must understand that company oriented thinking leads to failure.

4. Focus on potential customers

B2B project launch requires not only technical development, but most of all a serious analysis of potential buyers. You should better understand your customers to know how you can serve them better. B2B marketplace has to deal with companies, not a certain people, but you can divide them in groups according to their location, industry, income etc. This way of thinking may help you to build more value for customers.

5. Target the right partners

Since we are talking about values, it won’t be out of place to mention that you have to make sure that brands that sell in your market match to your company. Your potential customers should comply with your values. Keep in mind these simple tips about your marketplace’s clients:

  • To grow your audience and expand the number of customers, you have to invest in advertisement. The success of your project depends on traffic;

  • Make sure that everyone knows your partners – this information can give you benefits by demonstrating how is responsible and trustful your marketplace;

  • Interact with sellers, choose your partners according to their reputation and reward their loyalty and hard work to earn even more sellers on board.

6. Follow trends


Your marketplace should be a priority of your company. You have to invest time and money in it as a main project. Before the launch you can also check some trends in B2B sphere. It will increase your competitiveness on the market. While you are distracted by landing page development, some fresh ideas may appear and change the list of top companies.

7. Create a Chatbot

Quality customer service is a key to success. Creating a possibility to contact your company is a way to make a good first impression on potential clients. Chat can be a perfect tool for this task. It can also save time for both sides and increase sales by making a conversation between you and your customers easy, fast and comfortable.

Also read our article: Angular 6 vs React vs Vue (Best Choice).

8. Try AI implementation to improve your marketplace

There are different methods to bring the Artificial Intelligence on your platform, from personalized search and unique recommendations to innovative technologies, such as augmented reality or other visualization. There you can find something that matches your marketplace perfectly.

9. Add a wholesale price


This is an excellent and profitable option for both company and customer, when it comes to B2B sphere – most clients buy goods exactly in bulk and the discount will be a pleasant surprise. The price can depend on a number or a type of product. This is a very common practice in many popular online stores.

10. Help your partners with customers

In a B2B sphere manufacturers and retailers are the main clients. You should take care of every loyal customer by helping him to draw attention to his products. You can do it by organizing an online auction on your platform, which gives an option for sellers to demonstrate their goods. You can also give some information about your clients’ activities, preferences, contact information etc. This can help retailers with analyzing their possible income opportunities.


So, to sum up all the tips, you have to create a unique tactics for your project and be sure that the tools that are used on the landing page are comfortable and trendy. With a well thought-out plan of actions, you can succeed in the B2B sphere. We are sure that creating your own marketplace can only update your company and bring you more clients and income.

If you are still in doubt, should you take the risk and create your own B2B platform or not, you can contact specialists that can help you with organization of further work and possible outcomes and problems that may arise. Think about the entire benefits marketplace can give your business. We are confident that any well-done hard work pays off by a successful project.

In case, you got left any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us and we will assist you in any inquiry!