React Development React Native Tutorial: How Can You Start with Unit Tests? Let’s talk about React Native unit testing. The best practices and step-by-step guidance you’ll find in the article.
Startup Solutions Why Startups Need a Project Manager? Startups are not an easy thing to plan and implement. Every startup needs a person who will track all the missing parts and solve any occurring issues ASAP. Find out more about the role of PM for your small business.
Mobile App Development How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile App in 2020? There are many reasons why startups should build a mobile application. We'll discuss the price formation and factors that need to be considered while building a mobile app.
Angular Development RxJs for 5 minutes or The Little Engine that Could… Let's talk about Observable operators RxJS: “map”, “publish”, “fromEvent”, “combineLatest”, “interval”, “ajax”
Company Sustainability Reporting Platform - Normative | Project Details Normative - automatically quantify the environmental impact of organizations and consumers in real-time. You can find out more details about the project in the article.
Company The Ins and Outs of Sustainability Measurement and Reporting in 2020 What is Sustainability measurement? What role does Sustainability Reporting play? We work with startups that require sustainable development and we analyzed a market.
Company How We Built SaaS Platform For Web Apps - Station Our team discusses what are the biggest reasons for distractions at work and elaborate on Station - a solution to boost your productivity at the workplace.
Company Global Software as a Service (SaaS) Market Analysis 2020 Working with 25+ SaaS startups our team structured the knowledge about the SaaS market landscape and discuss industry snapshot, key SaaS players and market potential.
Company Wellness Step Tracker - Stepler | Project Details Stepler is a great alternative to the gym. You walk, collect points and exchange them into real goods. Take a look to find out more about the project.
Company Mobile Health (mHealth) Market Analysis and Forecast This article will cover all the major components of the mHealth industry - a consumer snapshot, competition, types of mHealth apps, and market potential.
Company Design EdTech Platform | Project in Details the first digital learning application for everyone who wants to become a designer. find out more about the app features and the process of development.
Startup Solutions Educational Technology (EdTech) Market Research in 2020 Recent data on EdTech market size and market prospects up to 2022 by 2muchcoffee team. Learn why education technology is a global opportunity and why investments will peak.