Weekly News Digest (6 Dec, 2019)

Our team believes weekly digest with the sharpest and relevant news will enlight you in your business growth. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the digest news regarding business development as well as tech development!

Data, Privacy and Power

Government, corporations, and private citizens - if we can all agree on who owns which data, perhaps it could simplify our lives a lot. A. S. Deller in the article Data, Privacy and Power” elaborates on the subject of surveillance. The author worked with data professionally for over 20 years in a number of different forms: pharma, online and mobile gaming. It’s treated differently everywhere and being a subject of international law. In addition, companies generally follow the rule that they can do whatever they want with the data so long that it doesn’t conflict with any laws. The author discusses both the positive and negative prospects of surveillance, so take a look at the article.

How To Ask Customers For Feedback The Right Way

Customer feedback - have you ever thought about how to do it properly? While building a new product the main thing is to stop asking people what they want and rather concentrate on what they struggle with. “How To Ask Customers For Feedback The Right Way” by Fab Giovanetti reveals interesting findings on the basis of the author's personal experience.

The Endgame for LinkedIn Is Coming

After two years, Microsoft still hasn’t delivered on its grand vision for LinkedIn. And it may never do so. Lance Ng in the article “The Endgame for LinkedIn Is Coming” investigates the current situation with LinkedIn and Microsoft and where were the problems. It will be interesting to get the expertise point of view to get the right understanding of the situation.

The ‘world’s largest internet restaurant company’ quietly raised $125 million this month

“The ‘world’s largest internet restaurant company’ quietly raised $125 million this month” by Connie Loizos delivers the story behind the development of several fast-moving food delivery online services. Precisely, the article focuses on the Rebel Foods that pioneered the trend of preparing the food in the cloud kitchens.

TikTok: a lesson in irresponsibility

Currently, there are a lot of platforms that may neglect the underaged children’s legislation. Precisely, social media video app, TikTok was fined $5.7 million over child privacy violation. “TikTok: a lesson in irresponsibility” by Enrique Dans touches upon the case of storing profiles and personal information children aged under 13 without their parents’ consent. It’s important to be aware of the possible risks involved with these kinds of apps.

We hope that the articles we mentioned were useful and will have a beneficial influence on the development of your business. Stay tuned and see you next week!