Weekly News Digest (15 Nov, 2019)

Our team believes weekly digest with the sharpest and relevant news will enlight you in your business growth. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the digest news regarding business development as well as tech development!

Best FinTech Startups in Europe

Government support for the financial sector and financial technology is huge. And not only because of its size, but it is growing at an unprecedented rate, partially due to technology, and an increase in access to mobile devices. In the article “Best FinTech Startups in Europe” by Anna Thorsen, you will find the answers to many questions. Precisely, why FinTech sectors are so prevalent, how to regulate them, and why it is a great case for corporate innovation.

Microsoft Japan tested a four-day work week and productivity jumped by 40%

The article “Microsoft Japan tested a four-day work week and productivity jumped by 40%” by Kari Paul reveals fascinating results. Companies from Microsoft to Shake Shack have experimented with a four-day workweek to improve productivity and work-life balance. It was stated that the shorter week has made it easier to focus on important tasks. Check out for more information.

Y Combinator Interview W2020 experience: Circles

Each and every interview is a shot, especially if at stake you have the development of the own small business. Every interview at YC usually follows the long days of preparation with the focus on how to present the pitch right. CEO of Circles, the uber-like app for credit cards, Anchal Taatya shares his team experience in the article “Y Combinator Interview W2020 experience: Circles”.

Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything

“Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything” by Colin O'Brady from TED Talk will help you to overcome the biggest obstacle you’ve ever faced. In this epic Talk, the speaker explains his journey back from a tragic burn accident only to ascend to the 7 tallest mountains and two poles on earth - in world record time. His idea is centered around mindfulness and how one can achieve anything no matter the circumstances.

How to Get Your Brain to Focus

It is clear - the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. So how do we harness our attention to focus deeper, get distracted less, and even become more creative? “How to Get Your Brain to Focus” by Chris Bailey from TED Talk, an author of the recent book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability to focus is the key to productivity, creativity, and living a meaningful life.

We hope that the articles we mentioned were useful and will have a beneficial influence on the development of your business. Stay tuned and see you next week!