Weekly News Digest (1 Nov, 2019)

Our team believes weekly digest with the sharpest and relevant news will enlight you in your business growth. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the digest news regarding business development as well as tech development!

The Great CEO Within (formerly: Founder to CEO)

Have you ever wondered how to build a killing company from the ground up? Yes? Then the book “The Great CEO Within” is right for you. Written by Matt Mochary, a coach of a tech startup (and tech investors) in Silicon Valley, the book contains universal solutions that the author came up with during the personal experience. The book is organized into 8 sections. Each of the section covers the tools or the techniques used to keep a company working well. It will be a useful manual for everyone who is eager to build his own business and become a great CEO. Our team highly recommend to check it out.

Fundraising: No One is Going to Do It For You

Fundraising is brutally hard, you're going to get rejected constantly, and the stress falls solely on your shoulders. Deal with it. You're asking people to give you money, so just push forward. Nathan Beckord in the article “Fundraising: No One is Going to Do It For You” shares the top tips on this subject.

The 50 Best Startup Cities in 2019

A startup is more than a job engine. Each unique startup can change the world and bring its unique value to the ecosystem in cities around the world. But what makes a startup city attractive to entrepreneurs? What are the ingredients of a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem? Is it culture, talent or perhaps infrastructure? To get the answers along with the list of the best cities for startup read “The 50 Best Startup Cities in 2019” by Anna Thorsen.

The rise of the financial machines

Machines are taking control of investing - not just the buying and selling of securities, but also the commanding heights of monitoring the economy and allocating capital. The financial markets and trading are no longer suitable for human activities and best left to machine learning and algorithms. A recent article in the Economist, “The rise of the financial machines” elaborates on the changes that already took place in financial markets.

Why it’s the end of an era for the financial markets

As a supplimentary article on this subject, we suggest reading “Why it’s the end of an era for the financial markets”. The author, Enrique Dans, pointed out that traders now require a completely different set of skills, among which is knowing how to write code is essential. The old image of brokers rushing around the stock market to place their orders or the trading room filled with traders with a telephone in each ear is now an anachronism. On the contrary, traders must have the ability to develop, understand and adjust an algorithm that can analyze with something more than a gut feeling, intuition or a premonition.

We hope that the articles we mentioned were useful and will have a beneficial influence on the development of your business. Stay tuned and see you next week!