Weekly News Digest (3 May, 2019)

Our team believes weekly digest with the sharpest and relevant news will enlight you in your own business growth. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the digest news regarding business development as well as tech development!

“Angular Universal: an adventure”

The article “Angular Universal: an adventure” by Douglas Liu will be covered all peculiarities of using Angular universal. Why does it important? Imagine: “when your user arrives with a URL, angular universal generate and return the HTML in the server side”. Take a look to know more about the usage of the CLI and installation of other dependencies.

“Your Angular module is a SCAM!”

If you are about to add a component to an Angular application and your head is full of questions, like: Does it deserve a new NgModule? Will we re-use it soon? And even with a great IDE, how straightforward is the refactoring? You are not alone. The similar feelings have Younes, the author of the recent article on Medium “Your Angular module is a SCAM!”. The author elaborates on the idea of creation one module for each component and in particulal about Single Component Angular Module.

“Why you HAVE to unsubscribe from Observable”

Surely you know that any code that does not unsubscribe can lead to memory leaks. No? Then you should read “Why you HAVE to unsubscribe from Observable” by Reactive Fox. The article provides you with a profound explanation based on the specific examples of “when and when not to unsubscribe”.

In addition, read our article “Trick or Unsubscribe” in RxJS: a Custom Angular Decorator” to know about the advanced options to unsubscribe and the custom @DestroySubscribers() decorator

“How to Recruit a Technical Co-founder”

Are you still questioning the possibility of launching without a technical co-founder? Stop that now and read the article by Dave Bailey “How to Recruit a Technical Co-founder”. It is claimed that it is never too late to hire a technical co-founder. The author shared the personal experience of how he started a business and hired a technical co-founder quite late.

“Here’s How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone is a Greater Leader”

Finally, “Here’s How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone is a Greater Leader” written by Jeff Haden describes Google’s algorithms regarding identifying the company’s best leaders. The article contains the list of leadership evaluation questions which oriented on soft skills (communication, teamwork, respect) and what you know as a leader (delegating, sense of autonomy and purpose).

We hope that the articles we mentioned were useful and will have a beneficial influence on the development of your business. Stay tuned and see you next week!

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