Weekly News Digest (23 Aug, 2019)

Our team believes weekly digest with the sharpest and relevant news will enlight you in your business growth. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the digest news regarding business development as well as tech development!

For SaaS Startup Success, Plan For 10 Years And More

Have you ever wondered what it means to build a successful company? Despite your answer, you should read “For SaaS Startup Success, Plan For 10 Years And More” by Evan Tan. The author shares his experience and knowledge on how to build a startup without venture funding, how to grow a team and much more.

Growth vs Profit: Using the Rule of 40 to Drive Sustainable Growth

“What was the point of raising the large sum of money … if we weren’t going to use it?” Jonathan Klahr in the article “Growth vs Profit: Using the Rule of 40 to Drive Sustainable Growth” explain the difference between growth and profit. The author applied the Rule of 40 as a way to evaluate the plan that was set out. Take a look to find out what conclusion did the author.

Let’s Talk About How to Build a Brand

In the article “Let’s Talk About How to Build a Brand” the author Felicia C. Sullivan investigate the issue of how to create a successful brand. It’s about more than fancy fonts and clever logos. The article covers the issues of brand platform development, brand expression, expansion, brand authority and much more. Hopefully, everyone can find useful elements to take in mind while building a brand new brand.

Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future

Blockchain is a trending topic today. However, Kai Stinchcombe suggests that blockchain is a failure concept: “Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future. Its failure to achieve adoption to date is because systems built on trust, norms, and institutions inherently function better than the type of no-need-for-trusted-parties systems blockchain envisions.” Read the article “Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future” to find more arguments in favor of this statement. Do you agree with the author?

How To Write Clean Code That Reduces Headaches.

Abstraction is evil. Code is anti-evil, and clean code is perhaps divine. Take a look at the article “How To Write Clean Code That Reduces Headaches” by Ravi Shankar Rajan to find out the basic rules, tips, and tricks of how to improve your code and make it more clear and “divine”.

Check out DesignRush

We hope that the articles we mentioned were useful and will have a beneficial influence on the development of your business. Stay tuned and see you next week!