Top 10 Online Learning Platforms You Can Use in 2019

The digitalization infiltrates to various spheres of life, especially it benefits the education sector. Do you plan to get a computer science degree or social science degree - it's up to you, because all you need is just choose eLearning platform.

Our team collected the list of online learning platforms which will be beneficial for your purpose of education. The list is composed of both free of charge online course platforms as well as paid ones. Some platforms allow you to get a certificate which will be proof of your new obtaining skills or specialization.

In fact, educational platforms is a great chance to expand your knowledge with minimum financial resources. Moreover, a lot of eLearning platform contains traditional courses materials like filmed lectures, reading lists, problem sets and discussions between enrolled eStudents. Except for mentioned perks, you may get access to libraries all over the world.

We range top 10 eLearning platforms starting from the free to paid certificates. Let’s dive into the world of eLearning platform together!

1. BitDegree

Certificate of completion is free.

BitDegree has a range of courses in the IT sphere. Particularly, in coding with the specialization in web development, functional programming languages, game development, code theory; business (e-commerce and marketing); blockchain (blockchain technologie, guides, and tutorials, gamified coding courses). In addition, graphic design, data science, machine learning, and personal development are covered by courses on this platform.

The platform using interactive and gamified courses. BitDegree has a great price range suitable for everyone as well as easy to navigate & pleasant for the eye platform.

2. Pluralsight

Certificate of completion is free.

“Progress through technology” is the motto of this eLearning platform. Indeed, Pluralsight allows you to have access to courses related to learning web and mobile development, game development, cybersecurity, cloud architect and much more IT-oriented courses. All courses are of good quality with a profound examination of the chosen topic.

One of the beneficial opportunity that suggests the platform is to have a free 10 days trial, IQ assessments or online AI mentor. Moreover, the pricing seems fair and the courses are taught by industry veterans.

3. DataCamp

Certificate of completion is free.

The platform is created with the mission to democratize data science education and build the best environment to learn and teach data skills to people all around the world. DataCamp offers top tutorials and interactive R, Python, Sheets, SQL and shell courses with the focus on data science, statistics and machine learning.

The courses are beginner-friendly. The pricing is quite transparent and matches the quality of the courses as well as the level. eLearning platform is easy to use and suggest flexible learning timetable.

4. Udemy

Certificate of completion is free.

“Improve lives through learning” might be used as a brief description of the platform. Due to the fact, Udemy offers a variety of courses, such as development, Business, Design, IT and Software, Marketing, Lifestyle, Photography, Healthcare and Fitness, Music, Teaching and Academics. Surely, it is easy to find the subject that you are interested in and would like to learn more.

The price is very reasonable for the courses. Moreover, every course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, which is an essential advantage. In fact, it is a leading global marketplace for learning that helps individuals reach their goals and pursue their dreams.

5. Thinkful

There is no certificate of completion.

Thinkful positioning by following the motto: “We don’t offer “degrees”. We get you a job”. Adapted by early education, the platform suggests to give you your money back in the (rare) case when you won’t be able to get a job. A guaranteed job position after you finish the program with 6 months of support.

The platform is easy to use and navigate. Moreover, personal mentorship is used as well as the model of 1-on-1 learning.

6. Skillshare

There is no certificate of completion.

Skillshare offers over 16.000 classes across thousand of different disciplines including design, business, tech, lifestyle and much more. The platform has both paid as well as free classes; in addition, there is an opportunity to apply for a scholarship.

The platform focuses on real-life projects and exercise 30-day refund policy. You have the chance to learn on the go with the offline access on your mobile app.

7. Khan Academy

There is no certificate of completion.

Khan Academy proves that you can learn anything. The platform offers courses on math, science and engineering, computing, arts and humanities, economics and finance. In addition, the section about “college, carrers and more” is available with a wide range of advisory videos regarding the career paths, personal finances, college admissions, etc..

Khan Academy is adapted for early education and even have the Khan Academy Kids for children ages two to six. The platform is free of charge.

8. Codecademy

There is paid certificate of completion.

If you want to learn how to code or for instance you are specifically interested in Sass tutorial, we recommend using this platform. Codecademy offers IT-oriented classes with the focus on web development, programming, and computer science as well as data science. The platform is easy to use and navigate and offers a few different plans, including the free one. There is a paid premium subscription.

9. Coursera

There is paid certificate of completion.

Coursera focus on transforming your talent by means of offering university-level courses on language learning, health, social science, arts and humanities, data science, business, computer science, personal development and much more. It is allowed to get online degree programs and professionals certificates.

The platform has access to education study materials, such as additional readings, videos, quizzes and group discussions. Students have flexible learning timetables.

10. edX

There is paid certificate of completion.

Languages, computer science, business management, engineering, humanities, data science from the leading universities you will find on edX. The platform offers easy navigation and provides university-level courses.


Our team collected the list of the top 10 eLearning platform that you can use in 2019. From the wide range of educational websites and online learning platforms, we pick the easiest to use/navigate resources with the broad coverage of different subjects, like development, data science, business, lifestyle, art, etc..

The mentioned platforms offer to get a certificate or guarantee to get employed within the next 6 months after the ending the course. In addition, all platforms have a reasonable price for university-level courses, while some even exercise a 30-day money return policy.

We hope that you will be able to find interesting courses and learn new skills to pursue your successful career endeavor. In case you have left any questions or you have any suggestion, feel free to contact us and we will help you in any inquiry!