Top 5 UI Frameworks and Libraries for Angular 6 in 2018

Short description of the article

  • Intro

  • Angular Material (one of the most popular front-end UI frameworks)

  • Bootstrap

  • PrimeNG

  • Covalent UI

  • Clarity

  • Conclusion


I've made a decision recently to use some CSS framework while I was developing an application using Angular 6. And it’s worth knowing that despite the lack of such temps and possibilities as JavaScript in question of integrating the component structure; it still has a few effective things to use in your project. So, in order to give you a helping hand in this tough decision, I have prepared a small review with the touch of a contest. Here are the most popular and maybe the best Angular UI frameworks.

Angular Material (one of the most popular front-end UI frameworks)

This technology is still hold in trust by the Angular Group web developers and without any doubts they recommend to use it for creating user interface. It includes a large variety of components, that are quite flexible and easy-tuned with an attractive visual effects.

With the constant Angular Group support such library is always keeping up with time and latest updates same as consider all Angular innovations. Though along with this, it does not supply a layout system. For this reason, there is a recommendation to use it in the pair of Angular Flex Layout that also is developed by Angular Group.


Actually, we cannot say a lot about a leader of CSS frameworks. It is rather popular and convenient. Bootstrap supply its enormous number of users (it is actually like some add-on for searching some pieces of advice among them) with a wide set of various components.

If you make a search request on Github you may find a list of two great projects that are supporting Bootstrap. The first is the Valor-Softwares' project called ngx-bootstrap. Made totally with the use of Bootstrap 4 technology. It is a library that supplies developers with various kinds of widgets. Second is the library called ng-bootstrap which is being made by the team with the same name.

Despite these teams both are good enough, the first one has a practice experience, because these guys are bearing the blame of UI Bootstrap library which takes the first place in ratings list of Bootstrap connected with AngularJS.


Actually, it is a representative of worldwide popular technology PrimeFaces UI that appertains without any doubts to the set of the most progressive systems for Java. PrimeNG supplies a lot of effective and helpful elements for you as a developer who is going to create a great User Interface. By all means, in case you choose it for your project you get a mature and fully-packed technology. Moreover, it is always in process of enhancing and re-development in order to handle all possible issues.

Rather plain themes setting is its Achilles heel because of putting emphasis on the attractiveness. You have to buy some tools like Material Design Guidelines. Nevertheless, you may find some free options, but they undoubtedly will have fewer opportunities to work with. And the last thing, they have always a problem with its documentations that are not in total accordance with the certain release. But, fortunately, they are always trying to handle this situation.

Covalent UI

Data management company Teradata has established UI project in order to use it in achieving their own goals. Nevertheless, they made it available for all others who want to employ it too by providing open source and framework for publicity. This technology ensue the principles of Material Design. It leads to the opportunity for us to employ lot of rather useful layouts which can be used in order to increase the speed of the creation of your project.

Besides, Covalent UI has an enormous set of elements and probably the most mature document support compared with the others.

In fact, it is also available for Electron variety of commands. It means that in case you are operating with such type of apps you are able to derive a lot of vantages from it. In case Teradata continue encouraging Covalent UI and keep the current level of dedicating to its power and resources, this technology may even become one of the best in history!


The last but not the least member of our list is Clarity. It was put forward as a mature UX determination that may even replace plain Angular CSS frameworks in perspective. Developed by the VMware group it was planned to use it only for striving for their own goals and ideas. Nevertheless, after a while they changed their original intention and made Clarity open source and available for publicity access.

At the very beginning it was contemplated as more progressive thing than UI framework because they intended to supply the rich and modernized UX guideline and compound it with famous JS frameworks with developing suitable libraries. Actually this project was something like a response to Material Guideline developed by Google. Nevertheless, they also intend to supply some extra elements for such kind of guidelines.

Today they have realized some of their ideas while others are still waiting for their moments. Although, today they are developing only Angular CSS Framework, they still are planning to work with React and realize another their project too.


All mentioned above libraries own a quite good set of ready-to-go solutions for User Interface. Angular Material should be differentiated here between others as the most advanced and supported by Angular core team project. This library has multiple components for different visual UI features implementing due to fundamental rules of material design.

Bootstrap couldn’t avoid our attention either. This is the library with one of the biggest amount of users and followers, so that it may be counted as a great benefit in our contest. Nevertheless, you should have a general knowledge of its multiteams developments.

Anyway, any of the named above options will make your development process easier and faster in times. The library choice always depends on a specific project’s needs and goals.

Got left any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us and we will assist you in any inquiry!